First Things First

In the words of the much-beloved Snoop Dogg: greetings, loved ones!
If the title, header, and sidebar didn't already give it away, I'm Kyle Difiori. I'm an aspiring romance and erotica author currently focused on M/M fantasy and paranormal works. Since I certainly don't have enough writing experience yet to devote my entire blog to it, you can expect a mix of personal and writing-related blog posts here. But ultimately, my goal for this blog is to chronicle my writing journey and to develop better writing habits.
Currently, I'm working on a fairytale re-imagining and planning for it to be about 30,000 words. At not-quite a third of that yet, however, it's difficult to say exactly how that will pan out, but it's all part of the learning experience! I am certainly not new to writing, but I am new to manuscripts and to writing something I actually plan to finish. In light of that, this blog will detail a lot of my own personal discovery with writing processes as I determine what works for me and what doesn't. Up to this point I've always been a discovery writer who does very little, if anything, in the way of outlining or planning outside of the initial conception and character creation phase. But who knows? Maybe that won't be the kind of writer I am by the time I'm a certified, published author.
For now I intend to focus on getting myself into a regular schedule for writing, both for the blog and for my projects. I'd like to start by trying to post here twice a week, but like I said, learning experience, so if that doesn't work out, we'll adjust! In the meantime, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, and I hope the feeling is mutual. And by all means, please feel free to comment - I'd love to hear from you!