Makeup Mondays: Urban Decay All Nighter Liquid Foundation

Some lovely and talented people on Twitter last week reminded me of my third true love behind writing and eating: makeup! Considering how much of my time goes into watching beauty bloggers and how much of my money goes to Ulta, I thought I could take a little time each week to share my insights on some of my favorite (and least favorite) makeup products!
Urban Decay All Nighter Liquid Foundation

First up is a new foundation line from Urban Decay! With the Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation being a favorite of mine for the last few years, I couldn't pass up the chance to try out a new foundation in the same line. Especially when I realized that the two primary differences between the All Nighter and the Naked Skin lines were 1) more coverage and 2) a full matte finish.
Let me start by saying that I've been using this foundation for about a week now, and I'm already a huge fan. Especially in the depths of a hot, humid, southern summer. I already have combination oily skin to begin with, and the weather hasn't been helping with a daily heat index typically over 100 degrees and anywhere from 50% or higher on the humidity index. Needless to say, these are perfect conditions for your makeup to slide away as soon as you step outside, so finding my favorite foundation in a full matte finish has been a godsend.
My favorite part about this foundation so far has been its versatility. The formula is absolutely thicker than the Naked Skin but not nearly so thick as, say, the Tarte Amazonian Clay foundation, and that gives you more options as far as application. Personally, I prefer a very natural, day to day work look and much more glam evening or going out looks. And the All Nighter foundation has proven to work for both. For a heavier, full-face application, I use the same Optical Blurring brush that I purchased from Urban Decay when I first started wearing their Naked Skin foundation. But with the thicker formula, you get a much fuller coverage. Similarly, because of the thicker formula, you can also apply the All Nighter with a beauty blender and achieve a perfectly medium coverage look for day to day.
The matte finish does keep this foundation on much longer than my other, dewier foundations. Aside from keeping my T-Zone looking dry throughout the day, I've noticed this foundation seems to do a better job of getting through the work day in place - or through an evening in a crowded bar with a broken AC unit. Admittedly, I do also use several layers of powder to set my foundation, but it's the same routine I use with most of my liquid foundations, and the All Nighter has, thus far, lived up to its name in that respect.
My first con is really only half a con, and that's the pigmentation in these foundations. I list it as a con because if you're like me and you've been using the Naked Skin foundation before now, I'm not sure the All Nighter version is 100% the same color. The description specifically calls out having 3 times the pigmentation than the original formula, and while that does a great job of providing fuller coverage, I do catch myself bringing my foundation much further down my neck than I usually do to make sure I don't end up with any harsh lines where my skin changes color. Even though I'm using the same 2.0 shade that's a perfect match for me in the Naked Skin.
Another con is the range of colors available for this foundation. Don't get me wrong, they do have 24 shades available, but the deeper tones don't go as deep as they could, especially considering all the boasting of extra pigmentation. For a comparison, here's a side by side of the fairest shade (0.5) and the darkest shade (12.0) currently available in the collection:

Not the worst color range I've seen from a line, but from other reviews, it doesn't sound like you're going to have an easy time finding anything with a red undertone here. Fingers crossed we see some expansion of the line in the near future.
The only other con I can think to mention isn't so much a con as it is a claim I haven't fully tested. This foundation is listed as being waterproof. I can say that I was able to sweat in this foundation and didn't have much transfer off, so that was definitely a plus, but I'm not sure I trust taking it for a swim just yet. As with most waterpoof makeup, if you can avoid actually getting it wet? All the better.
Right now, I am really loving this foundation. I feel like I made a good call trying this out instead of just picking up another bottle of the Naked Skin. If you can find a color match, I highly recommend giving it a try! If you have already, leave me a comment down below and let me know what you thought about it!
And if there are any specific products you'd like to see me talk about, let me know! I have more makeup than I know what to do with and I'm still always on the lookout for more!